Monday, 13 January 2014

My little collection: Eclipse minty boxes

Gonna share my little collection today! I love this minty, Eclipse! I almost have them everyday when I was in Perth. It used to be my morning vitamin when I drove to work at 4.30am.


This is the series I got in HK in end of May last year when I came back from Italy.
This is a complete series. Took me a while to finish all the minties as I dont like some flavors.

 This series is not completed. I got in HK as well. This featured Sport B for xmas 2012.

These last two are flavors cant be found in KK. The top orange is orange flavor, my friend got it for me from Taiwan. The bottom green one is apple flavor. It has been my favorite ever since I bought it. It can be found in HK and Taiwan. So whenever I go to HK i will buy at least 4 of this back to KK. 

There is more coming back from Taiwan tomorrow! Cant wait!! 

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